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I live west of Ottawa and north of Kingston, Ontario. Last year was the first time I saw smoky skies and had air quality alerts. That was a couple of days in late August. Here we're in June and it's already been 3 days and tomorrow is supposed to be worse. Yesterday despite being broke, I went and bought an air purifier. What's crazy is I see so many people out and about without masks. We're Canada, we are the most educated country in the world this is crazy that people aren't using their brains. We have the masks from COVID, use them. One "good" thing though, is the Canadian forest fires really are mostly just wood char. Canada has a population of 38 million, 90% of which lives within 100 miles from the US boarder, meaning that northern Canada was mostly vast swaths of untouched land. It's not like California's regularly scheduled fires, there because of red lining and zoning laws, the housing isn't build at a reasonable density, forcing people to spread out, ie into the fire belt (seriously, was there any forethought into that? And when are the insurance companies going to just straight up refuse to cover any structures almost guaranteed to burn down in the next fire). Fires are a natural and traditional part of the Californian ecosystem, but that is not the case for Ontario Canada, we are supposed to be hot and humid in the summer, and cold and dry in the winter. Every year has been getting stranger, from droughts, to fires and mild nasty winters, it's terrifying. Yet my family doesn't even believe in climate change, they don't believe humans have the ability to affect the world they say the world is always changing. Just straight up madness. Anyway I hope for the sakes of you and everyone like you, myself and my neighbors, the animals, plants and bugs, that this is over soon and the rest of the summer is back to our regular programming.

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